The distributor wanted to upgrade its facilities, TRG crafted a holistic solution.
DESCRIPTION: Premium Foodservice Distributor
INITIAL INQUIRY: Refurbished Hardware
Barcode Scanners & Mobile Computers
Wireless Access Points (APs) & Networking
Secure Locker Systems
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) Software
The Problem
Our customer is an industry-leading restaurant and foodservice distributor that has been providing exceptional quality products and service to restaurant operators and national chains for more than 40 years. Throughout its history of continual growth, the company has been recognized multiple times as a leader in the distribution industry for its commitment to its customers.
TRG was introduced to the foodservice distributor in 2016 at an industry trade show. Historically, the company had distributed products to smaller restaurants and chains but recently won some larger contracts and was looking for a new partner to assist them on this growth trajectory. The company had recently brought in a new CIO, whose technical team TRG had worked with previously, and he sought to improve existing workflows and increase efficiencies. The team had already begun to implement a new warehouse management system (WMS) - a great first step - but was evaluating new rugged hardware that would hold up in their warehouse and cold storage environments, as well as network infrastructure upgrades to support this technology.
At the time, the company’s warehouses used very little barcoding technology and had very few printers. Each morning, employees went to one of several stations to retrieve a packet that contained their duties for the day. The company also needed a solution to secure its devices to prevent losses and damage. In the field, the company’s delivery fleet also operated without much technology, causing unexplained problems like shortages or missing inventory. We conducted a discovery call as well as an onsite evaluation with the company and identified a number of areas where we could help to improve operations and add value.
The Solution
We developed a complete mobility program to help take this premium foodservice distributor to the next level. First, we helped the company select and procure new barcode scanners, mobile computers and printers, including ring scanners and vehicle mounts for the forklifts in their warehouses. And to keep devices secure and help mitigate losses, we installed secure locker systems, allowing employees to check-out devices each morning and check them back in at the end of the day, ensuring devices are returned to a safe, secure location and are fully charged before their next use. TRG then provided a comprehensive, single-source solution to manage all devices deployed. Our technicians staged, configured and tested each device in our facility before deployment, and then kitted it with the necessary accessories and instructions to insure a no-hassle setup upon arrival.
While new hardware was an important component of the overall program, ensuring strong wireless connectivity was also critical to establishing a foundation for that technology. We conducted site surveys at their facilities, identifying the need for an improved system. Our team upgraded the company’s wireless access points and other networking infrastructure, helping to improve connectivity throughout their warehouses and ensure their new devices operated efficiently.
It was also important to establish appropriate oversight and management for the new program. The company chose to upgrade its unified endpoint management (UEM) platform, and TRG coordinated training and provided consulting in the set-up of that system. We went onsite during the rollout to assist with any questions and the setup process.
Ultimately, the food distributor chose to lease this equipment — enabling them to get the devices faster, without the budget approvals typically required for capital expenditures and with no money down.
The Result
Thanks to our complete hardware program, the foodservice distributor now has much of the technology it needs to support its growth. Drivers and employees have more connected and durable hardware available, devices are safe and monitored in secure lockers, the MDM platform ensures their devices are up-to-date and properly managed and their facilities enjoy better wireless connectivity.
We are grateful to this foodservice distributor for their trust and partnership and look forward to many more years of supporting their hardware, software, and wireless access needs. If your organization has been looking to upgrade its hardware or facility connectivity, contact us today to learn more about how we can help.
About TRG
TRG is a global, privately owned managed services provider that manages the full lifecycle of every enterprise endpoint. Our mission is to lead the future of enterprise technology by driving bold endpoint solutions with a success-or-else approach.